Kagero Early-Mid Game Discussion

Okay so this is one of the shortest windows in the game where it's really important to decide how you want the course of the game to go.

So I'm going to break it down into a list of what's gonna be included in the course of this phase.

When going 1st

  1. Guarding at your opponent's First Stride turn
  2. Your first Stride turn's Main Phase
  3. Your first Stride turn's Battle Phase
  4. Guarding at your opponent's next turn
When going 2nd
  1. Your first Stride turn's Main Phase
  2. Your first Stride turn's Battle Phase
  3. Guarding at your opponent's First Stride turn
Okay. So now that we have that clear, I'm not going to list down each possible thing you have to do but instead I'm going to list the things you have access to in this phase of the game. But before that, we need to have a goal. The goal in this point of the game is to deal 2-3 damage to the enemy and control their board while doing so.Though this will only really happen in a perfect world, it is still your goal and you should try to still do it and if you are successful in doing so, then you'd have a great time moving on to the mid-game. Now with a clear goal in mind, here's what you have to help you get there.

  • So you have this as your main 1st Stride in the deck. You will most likely be going into him and you will also most likely be met with a Perfect Guard cause apparently people don't like having their field blown up on 1st Stride. Basically try to hit if it doesn't oh well, try to get a critical trigger and then try using a power gaining pressure card instead to deal your 2 damage goal. (He also enables GB 2 and an unflipped Taiten which will be important in the mid game)
  • Remember how I said during the early game you should have a good pressure card in your hand? Well this is where it would come in. Again, this is pretty much the trigger dump after the PG they drop on your Vanguard. And while this doesn't really apply to Burning Horn, it is correct to Attack with Vanguard first  because Nehalem and Spherical Lord would get the 5k boost for being at GB 1.

Magic Number Columns
  • Have way too many grade 3's? Call one and attack with it for 11k and potentially stand it. One thing to remember about this deck is it does have stands and they do show up more often than you'd think, so attacking with a column that doesn't hurt when it attacks before vanguard is always a great idea. Some columns go as follows:
  1. 7k G1 + 4k Trigger = 11k lane
  2. 1 Grade 3 = 11k lane
  3. Burning Horn + Trigger = 16k lane
  4. Reas + anything (upgrades the attack by 1 stage of 5k)
  5. 9k G2 + 7k G1 = 16k lane
  • So generally you want to attack with a column like this first then attack with your Vanguard and then attack with Nehalem or Spherical Lord. If they let this hit, then congratulations, you just got halfway into your goal of dealing at least 2 damage. (Small side note: If they have a priority target rear-guard in the front row, then you can also make magic numbers against [ex. 9k to 9k or 14k to 9k] it but be careful of Dizmel as that will shutdown the attack and a part of your on hit field wipe with Vortex Desire)

G Guardians

  • We finally get to guarding and these are the most intricate parts of Vanguard is guarding. There really is no always correct thing to do when guarding. But more importantly, since you're playing Kagero, one of the most important things to do is managing your Handtrap and the general rule for that is if the opponent is going for a big push turn early, then you can use your Handtrap a little bit earlier and if they don't then you can probably get off with just using Asyl Orb. One thing you need to note as well is if you're first and you G Guarded, you can First Stride Taiten and just start the game with some crit pressure.

So that's the general idea of how you should play the early-mid game of this deck. Some important points for review are Goals, Magic Numbers, and General Handtrap Rule of Thumb.

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