Sadly, this is your most optimal first Stride option. It's either this or Mustafa, those are the 2 options you pretty much have to get GB 2 on your first Stride, and of course you do want to get GB 2 on your first Stride because that would enable a bunch of plays. By going into him, you get access to your main Grade 3's GB 2 ability and if you flipped up a Taiten, you can also have access to 2nd Striding into Taiten with multiple retires.
If, for some reason though you did not use up this guy as your first stride and you're already near the late-game, if you're already Legion'd with Neoflame and The Great, when you stride this card over the 2, it actually counts the amoun of Flame Dragons in your vanguard circle, meaning if you have this and Neoflame and The Great all in your V-circle, you get to retire 3 units instead of the usual 2.
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