This card is your main boss of the deck and also going to be your optimal first ride because of the card's abilities. First off all, he is generally a plus one whenever you ride him because you get to search the top 5 for a Flame Dragon and although you are running some non Flame Dragon cards in the deck, you would still usually just be able to get at least one good choice out of the top 5 every time you ride into him. His GB 2 skill is also your main way of making mid game pressure plays along with Nehalem and Spherical Lord and your 2 options are either 6 Drive Checks and kill a Rear-Guard and have 1 or 2 21000 power columns or retire their field entire field and gain an extra critical with Taiten. So that's pretty much the 2 main mid-game options of this deck.
Also just like how this can work really well with Nehalem and Spherical Lord, it also syenrgizes really well with Lizard General Conroe. Basically, when you activate this guy's GB 2 skill and Conroe's 2nd skill you get to Counter Charge 4 of off your Vanguard's attacks. Not only does Legend combo well with Conroe's 2nd skill, Conroe also searches for Legend if you have another Grade 3 in your hand which makes it so you get the correct consistent Grade 3 ride.
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